Latest Digital Leaders – Page 51

  • frost-urban-mobility1.automotiveIT

    Urban Mobility 3.0 - London


    Frost & Sullivan will host a two-day workshop in June focusing on smart mobility business opportunities resulting from urbanization and the growth of mega-cities.The market researchers will hold a workshop titled "Urban Mobility 3.0" in London June 15-16. During the two-day event, speakers will look at opportunities for smart mobility ...

  • siemens plm.automotiveIT

    Upheaval in automotive PLM as car companies change partners


    Automakers are reviewing - and changing - their PLM software (Illustration: Siemens)Upheaval in the PLM market: Daimler and Chrysler are separating from former partner Dassault Systemes and are doing development work with Siemens PLM software. On the other hand, BMW has settled on Dassault in the E/E domain. In turn, ...

  • mieschke hofmann.automotiveIT

    MHP launches new version of AddOn Translation Manager


    Process and IT consultant Mieschke, Hofmann und Partner (MHP) has launched a new version of its SAP-based AddOn Translation Manager.The software tool captures all terms that have been stored in a system and exportsthem to an Excel file. Standard Fit/Gap analysis, which is used to evaluate parts of business processes, ...

  • SAP.automotiveIT

    SAP's Q1 after-tax profit rose 4 pc to 403 million euros


    SAP said after-tax profit rose 4 pc from a year earlier to 403 million euros in the first quarter of 2011 as software and services revenue increased sharply.The German business software group said overall sales rose 21 pc to 3.02 billion euros, with services revenue jumping 20 pc to 2.33 ...

  • konica minolta.automotiveIT

    Konica Minolta to deliver secure-printing systems to BMW


    Konica Minolta’s secure-printing system will avoid BMW documents falling into the wrong hands (Source: Konica Minolta)Konica Minolta will install 6,800 project management systems in BMW locations throughout Europe.The Japanese printing, imaging and business solutions group won the order in a Europewide tender. It also includes a monitoring solution and applications ...

  • Hilmar-Dunker.automotiveIT

    Opinion: Companies need to act to ward off cybercrime


    By Hilmar DunkerIT systems are under attack. They always have been. But recently, hackers, spammers and other cybercriminals have stepped up the pace.Hence, it's time to move IT security higher up the corporate priority list.Study after study shows that the security situation in many companies is precarious. Boards are aware ...

  • porsche lorenz.automotiveIT

    Porsche CIO Sven Lorenz has growing product portfolio


    Lorenz isobserving "with great interest" Daimler’s CAD move from Dassault to SiemensSven Lorenz, Porsche’s CIO is a busy man. Not only does he have to manage integration with new majority owner Volkswagen, he also has to deal with the increasing role of social media, continued tight budgets andthe need to ...

  • openmatics.automotiveIT

    IBM to develop Web store for telematics Apps for ZF


    How Openmatics works (source:ZF)ZF Friedrichshafen is planning a Web store for telematics applications that can be used on its Openmatics software platform.The store will be developed by IBM and the IT group will also run it.The southern German automotive supplier said the store will let vehicle manufacturers and third-party providers ...

  • microstrategy.automotiveIT

    MicroStrategy platform used for Edmunds iPad App


    MicroStrategy’s platform lets users access business intelligence on mobile devicesUS Automotive information company Edmunds has built a consumer market analysis App for the iPad using a MicroStrategy platform.MicroStrategy, a US based maker of business intelligence software, said the new Web Metrics iPad App provides insights into anonymous consumer car ...

  • bosch electric motor.automotiveIT

    Daimler, Bosch plan to build electric motors for Europe


    Bosch already builds electric motors at its plant in Hildesheim, GermanyPremium car maker Daimler and Robert Bosch, confirming earlier press reports, said they intend to jointly develop and build electric motors for electric vehicles in Europe.The companies said in a press release that they have signed a letter of intent ...

  • pelata Renault_10603_1_5.automotiveIT

    Patrick Pelata steps down as Renault COO


    Patrick Pelata will join the Renault-Nissan alliancePatrick Pelata stepped down as COO of Renault Monday in the wake of revelations that the French automaker had falsely accused three of its managers of espionage.Pelata will take up a position with the Renault-Nissan alliance and will, thus, stay connected to the French ...

  • euroforum raw mat.automotiveIT

    Raw materials for E-mobility, Stuttgart


    Euroforum is organizing a conference on the electric vehicle industry's dependence on raw materials.The German-language event will take place in Stuttgart May 25 and 26.Availability of key raw materials is becoming more important as electric vehicles are entering series production. Where and how the industry will obtain materials such as ...

  • nxp freeman.automotiveIT

    NXP moves automotive sales & marketing to Shanghai


    NXP’s Freeman is now closer to the company’s growth marketsNXP Semiconductors is moving its automotive sales and marketing headquarters to China, in a sign that auto-industry suppliers recognize that major growth markets lie in Asia.Netherlands-based NXP, a global semiconductor group with 2010 revenue of 4.4 billion dlrs, said its vice ...

  • volkswagen-logo small.automotiveIT

    VW boosts computing power, conserves energy


    Volkswagen has opened a new data processing center that will boost the carmaker's computing power by 20 pc.The computers at the new center, which is located at VW's headquarters in Wolfsburg, northern Germany, have a maximum capacity of 24.3 billion operations a second. That's considerably faster than the group's processing ...

  • samsung_galaxytab.automotiveIT

    German companies lack an enterprise mobility strategy


    Tablets such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab are inreasingly used for business purposes German companies don’t have solid strategies to connect mobile users to their business operations, according to a study by market researchers Berlecon. The study found that almost half of the German IT managers interviewed ...

  • toyota microsoft.automotiveIT

    Microsoft to help Toyota build global cloud platform by 2015


    Microsoft is keen to partner with the world’s biggest automaker (Illustration: Microsoft)Toyota aims to build a "complete global cloud platform by 2015" and it is soliciting Microsoft's help to get there.The Japanese carmaker and the US-based software giant announced Thursday that they plan to jointly build a global platform for ...

  • Siegfried Russwurm.automotiveIT

    Siemens wants to expand in industrial software


    CEO Russwurm wants to grow his market shareSiemens said it wants to expand its industrial software business and hopes a reorganization will help it do so."Software for industrial processes, in-depth vertical expertise and technology based service are crucial to increasing our customers' productivity," said Siegfried Russwurm, CEO of Siemens' Industry ...

  • Symantec.automotiveIT

    Germany tops European cybercrime list


    Cyber attacks are growing worldwide (Source: Symantec)Germany comes in at the top of a European cybercrime list published by internet safety and security group Symantec.In its 16th annual Internet Security Threat Report, the US based software company paints a worrisome picture of growing cybercrime. In 2010 alone, Symantec discovered 286 ...

  • siemens teamcenter app.automotiveIT

    Siemens PLM introduces new mobility App for iPad


    The Siemens PLM App is initially only available on the iPadSiemens PLM has launched an App that gives mobile users access to product data and workflows captured by Siemens Teamcenter software.The App, called Teamcenter Mobility, will initially only be available on the Apple iPad.Siemens said the App helps provide data ...

  • Windchill 10.0.automotiveIT

    PTC releases Windchill 10.0, adds more analytics


    Windchill PLM software grows in size and capabilitiesPTC has released Windchill 10.0, upgrading its product lifecycle management (PLM) software with a series of enhancements designed to improve product analytics and quality management.US based PTC said in a press release that the new version of Windchill will let manufacturers do more ...